Aging of the neck is usually a combination of loose skin and muscle and some excess fat. Neck lift is either performed alone or in conjunction with liposuction, facelift, forehead lift, or other surgeries. The usual candidates are men and women over the age of 40 years.

+ العملية الجراحية

A small incision is made under the chin and possibly in front of and/or behind the ears. These incisions allow access to the neck muscle and any fat in the neck. The neck muscles can then be tightened and any excess fat removed. Your surgeon may choose to remove the fat with liposuction or by cutting it out.

The incisions near the ears also allow for removal of some excess skin. Once the muscle has been tightened and any excess fat removed the skin is re-draped over the neck. Any excess skin is removed and the incisions are closed with sutures. It is possible your surgeon may place a drain under the skin on the neck to collect any fluid that would increase your post op swelling and discomfort.

+ الرعاية قبل العملية

Inform your surgeon of any allergies, all medical conditions, and any medication that you are taking (both prescription and non-prescription). Avoid aspirin and brufen-containing medication for two weeks prior to surgery to eliminate the chance of post op. bleeding.

You should not smoke for 2 weeks prior to surgery as this may affect your reaction to the anaesthetic and prolong the healing process. Patients that suffer from hypertension must inform the surgeon prior to surgery.

+ الرعاية والشفاء ما بعد الجراحة

If the surgeon chooses to use a drain it might remain in place for a day or two. You may also wake with bandages in the neck to minimize bruising and swelling.

Loose bandages will be removed with a couple of days, but a compression garment may have to be worn for a few weeks. It’s important to follow instructions to ensure proper recovery.

Swelling and bruising will be evident in the first few days. Feeling of tightness, tingling, burning or pulling sensations and areas of numbness may be noted. These are all normal in the first few weeks following surgery and should not be a cause for concern.

+ المخاطر والمضاعفات

Complications that can occur after surgery include haematoma, (blood clotting) this is rare and uncommon, yet possible. The nerves near the ears can be traumatised and you may feel numbness for some time, but this is usually temporary until the nerves mend and you will gradually obtain normal sensation, this may take up to 12 months.

Other risk factors are infection and reactions to the anaesthesia. Your surgeon will give you antibiotics prior to surgery to eliminate infection. If you have any problems with anaesthetic you must inform the anaesthetist prior to surgery. Smokers may experience a delay the healing process, but ultimately still obtain the same results.

المستشفيات المتاحة

أضغط على اسم المستشفى لقراءة المزيد.

Price (from) Hospital / Clinic City
60,000 APEX Bangkok
110,000 Bangkok Pattaya
75,900 Bangpakok9 POPULAR Bangkok
95,000 F Clinic Bangkok
121,000 K-TOP POPULAR Bangkok
120,000 Kamol POPULAR Bangkok
100,000 Masterpiece Bangkok
60,000 Naravee Bangkok
90,000 San Paulo Hua Hin

قبل و بعد

البقاء في المستشفى:١-٢ ليالي
مدة العملية حوالي ١-٣ ساعات وتحتاج البقاء في تايلاند لمدة لا تقل عن ٩ يومًا.


مدير رعاية المرضى الشخصي

وفر على ما يصل ٧١% على رسوم الجراحة مقارنة مع البلدان أخرى + خذ عطلة استوائية على سبيل المكافأة.

احصل على اقتباس شخصي مجاني،

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الأولى في تايلاند من الناحية المكتب الحجوزات لجراحة التجميلية

خدمتنا مجانية. لا رسوم. وقت.

بإمكاننا أن نجعل هذه العملية أمراً سلساً وبعيداً عن الضغوط من خلال حزمة من العروض، مما يتيح لك التخطيط لإقامتك ولتفاصيل رحلتك بما يضمن أن تحصل على الفائدة القصوى من هذه التجربة.